

Band Resources

A free scheduling service. It’s easy to use and is a big help in scheduling rehearsals or other events.
Band Name Maker
This won’t find the best band name in the world, but it may help provide some inspiration. BEWARE! This tool can turn into a real time-sink.
A free online chord transposer. Great for figuring out chords when you need to change keys.
A large online library of chord charts for thousands of songs. Accounts are free and allow you to create your own songbook(s). It’s a great tool for organizing your online charts.
Ultimate Guitar
Another excellent chart library site. Both this one and Chordie offer printable charts, transposing, and chord diagrams.

Here’s a video that teaches how to wrap cables so they are easy to uncoil the next time you use them.  This is something everyone should learn to do–it makes life so much easier!